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Assets Declaration and preventing corruption

Every chosen or appointed high official, responsible person in the public enterprise, public institution or other legal entity who dispose with state capital, official in the state bodies, in municipality administration and in administration of the City of Skopje has an obligation to fulfill Assets Declaration with detailed description of the real estate, movable property of higher value, securities and account receivables and debts, as well as other property which is in his ownership or ownership of the members of his family, by mentioning the base of the registered property and to deposit verified statement by the notary for denying the protection of bank secret regarding all accounts in domestic and foreign banks latest in the period of 30 days from the day of choice or appointing, employing, terminating of the function or the employment i.e. to register change in his own property and the property of his family members, such as building a house or other facilities, buying real estate, securities, car or other movable property, to the value which exceed the amount of 20 average salaries in the previous three months period.

To the Return for change of the property state which is delivered to the State Commission for Preventing Corruption and to the Public Revenue Office also it is supplied a contract or other document which is a base for disposal with the property, as well as a document for the way of payment (according to the Law on Corruption Prevention "Official Gazette of RM”, No. 28/02, 46/04, 126/06 and 10/08).

The chosen or appointed high official, the responsible person in the public enterprise, public institution or other legal entity who dispose with state capital, submits the Declaration to the State Commission for Preventing Corruption and to the Public Revenue Office.

The official in the state bodies, in the municipality administration and in the administration of the City of Skopje, submits the Assets Declaration to the body where he is employed.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia