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Assets Declaration

The content and the design of the form Assets Declaration is prescribed by the State Commission for Preventing Corruption and you can download it from the web site of SCPC. To download the form, click here.

The way of fulfilling and delivering Declaration is prescribed in the form.

NOTE: Along with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the RM (C. No. 160/2006-0-0 from 10.01.2007 and “Official Gazette of the RM", No. 7/2007) it has been abrogated he Article 36a Paragraph 1, in the part “and estimated market price of the property” from the Law on Preventing Corruption (“Official Gazette of the RM", No. 28/02 and 46/04).
Because of that, in the part of fulfilling the “Questionnaire” in the columns marked with:
• 4) Property under e) value in MKD
• 5) Movable property under f) value in MKD
instead of the market price of the property you should enter the price of the property in the period of its obtaining.
• 6) Securities and shares under d) value,
instead of the nominal value of the securities you should enter the value of the securities and shares in the period of its obtaining.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia