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Games of chance

Games of chance are games in which the participants have equal opportunities for the acquisition of gain by direct or indirect payment of the amount (deposit), and the outcome of the game depends solely or predominantly by chance or by any future uncertain event in the game.

Entertaining games are games of computers, simulators, video machine, pinball and other similar devices that are put into operation by means of money, chips or otherwise, as well as darts, billiards and similar games where the participation is by payment, and the participant cannot make a profit in money, goods or rights, but is entitled to one or more free games from the same species, and other games for entertainment which means that the participant who loses the game bear the cost of it or where the payment (deposit) and profit is insignificant.

Participant in games of chance and entertaining games is a person who has fulfilled the conditions prescribed by the rules of the game of chance and entertaining game set by the organizers of games of chance, or the organizer of the entertaining game.

Types, conditions, organization and methods of arranging games of chance and entertaining games in the Republic of Macedonia are regulated by the Law on games of chance and entertaining games.

The funds realized on all grounds out of arranging games of chance and entertaining games are used to finance:

  • National Disability Organizations, their Societies and their Association;
  • Citizen’s Societies to combat domestic violence;
  • Sport, Sports Federations and Clubs; and
  • Red Cross of Republic of Macedonia.

It is forbidden:

  • Participation in foreign games of chance, especially if the deposits are paid on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Sales, advertising and any other presentation of foreign lottery tickets, tombola cards, tickets, electronic cards, etc. on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Arranging games of chance and entertaining games in the technologically industrial development zones in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Arranging games of chance that are not regulated by law, and which gives opportunity to gain profit; and
  • Participation in games of chance or entertaining games that are arranged without issuing a license or permit.



© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia