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Public Relations
Year Month Category  

Introduction of GPRS Cash-registers
Introducing GPRS cash-register system for everyday electronic exchange of data between the Information System of the Public Revenue Office and the cash-register of the taxpayer is a legal requirement stipulated in the Law on Registration of Cash Payments started from 31.05.2013...
IOTA Forum “From training to learning and development"
The Public Revenue Office in cooperation with the Intra -European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA) in the period from 7 to 9 May 2014 hosts the 11th IOTA Training Forum "From training to learning and development" on which are attending 47 representatives from 28 tax administrations...
Tax Academy - Workshop on "Transfer Pricing"
Skopje - On 27.02.2014, the Tax Academy held a workshop in the Contact Center of the PRO intended for the staff from the Customs Administration of Republic of Macedonia. Through the workshop on "Transfer pricing", the employees in the Customs had opportunity to learn about the definition, fundamentals, concepts and evaluation of the transfer pricing, the policy for establishment of transfer prices in Republic of Macedonia, transaction methods of calculating transfer pricing, external control, evaluation of the risk and policy for formation of transfer pricing in some countries, as well as traditional methods of transfer pricing.
First Place for the PRO Website in the Category of State Institutions for “Best Site for 2013”
On the manifestation “Site of the Year 2013”, held on 10.12.2013 in the cinema Frosina in Skopje, the PRO’s web site won the first place in the category of Best Site for Government / State Institutions. In this category, second place was awarded to, and third place to The manifestation “Site of the Year”, which is organized for the fourth time, aims to contribute to the development of the domestic websites and to award certificates and awards to people who work in the development of online media in the country...
Fiscal Education of Youth - Selection of the most creative drawing "What would be the future of the country by paying taxes"
Over 200 high school students took part in the open competition for the most creative drawing on "What would be the future of the country by paying taxes" conducted by the Public Revenue Office from 1st of October till 20th November 2013, within the project "Fiscal Education of Youth". The drawings of the pupils, not only express their attitudes towards the taxes, the performance of the PRO and the tax servants, their vision for the future of paying taxes, they also express clear messages addressed to all of us - citizens, taxpayers, institutions, social actors... The visual message of youth will be shared with the general public by making the most creative drawing part of the campaign of the PRO ("Submission of Annual Tax Return")...


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia