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Twinning Project for improving of the PRO taxpayers services lunched

The role of the modern tax administration is not only to collect taxes, fees and contributions, but to continuously invest in reducing the administrative burden of the taxpayers by improving the tax services and simplifying the procedures.
The realization of this Project, financed by the European Union, and the use of the best practices and experiences of the Twinning partner – the Spanish Tax Administration (Agencia Tributaria) will enable strengthening of the quality of the tax services by establishing effective information - communication methods and tools and strengthening of the cooperation between the taxpayers and the Public Revenue Office.
Improving the existing and introducing new services, establishing different service-oriented approach in providing services and contact to the users through the PRO Contact Center and Tax Counters, among other things, should provide a unique approach to the application of tax regulations and equal quality of services throughout the entire country...

For more details download the Press Release.




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