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Declaring of the related person in the PRO

The persons who would like to be registered as a related person must submit an Application for registration for value added tax of related persons (form DDV-01/PL). The Application is filled by the representative of the related person and tо be submitted in as many copies as persons are connected to the related person.

The application shоuld be submitted to the Regional Office of the PRO, according to the location of the representative of the related person, or electronically through

* For the conducted registration of the related person for VAT purposes, PRO shell make a decision for registration for value added tax of the related persons in which is stated the VAT number of the related person, the representative of the related person, persons which are part of the related person, the commencement date of the related person, the first tax period, as well as the tax period of submission of the VAT return.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia