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Tax Incentives - Corporate Income Tax

Tax exemptions are consisting in reducing the tax base and reducing the calculated tax.

А. Reduction of tax base for reinvested profit

The tax base is reduced for the amount of investment of profits (reinvested profit) for development purposes i.e. investment in tangible assets (property, plant and equipment) and intangible assets (computer software and patents) intended to expand the activity of the taxpayer.

Note: The right to tax exemption on the basis of reinvested profit, taxpayers for the first time will be able to realize for the investments performed in 2014 by the separate profits from 2013 for investment.

B. Reducing the calculated tax

The calculated profit tax is reduced by:

  • The approved tax exemption on the basis of the purchased and put into service up to ten fiscal systems of equipment for registering cash payments ie fiscal equipment and automatic integrated management system;
  • The amount of tax included in taxable income / profits abroad (withholding tax) to the prescribed rate;
  • The amount of taxes paid by the subsidiary abroad for the profit included in the income of the parent entity in the Republic of Macedonia up to the amount of tax assessed according to the tax rate in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • The estimated amount of tax relief for a donation given to: sports federations, Macedonian Olympic Committee, football, basketball, handball and other sports clubs, active athletes from Olympic and non-Olympic sports under the terms and amounts of legally determined procedures.

C. Tax exemptions prescribed for special categories of taxpayers, regulated with the rules which regulate their establishment and functioning:

  • Protective companies, for employment of the disabled persons (in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Employment of Disabled Persons);
  • Economic units within the institutions for carrying out sanctions and juvenile correctional institutions (in accordance with the provisions of the Law on enforcement of sanctions); and
  • Technological Industrial and Development Zones (in the period of 10 years under terms and procedures determined by the Law on Technological Industrial and Development Zones).

© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia