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Calculation of the tax and subject of taxation

Calculation of the Corporate Income Tax

The calculation of the Corporate Income Tax is done by an authorized person of the tax taxpayer or by a person – tax advisor, authorized by the taxpayer.

Subject to taxation

Subject of taxation is the profit realized by the taxpayers from business, financial and non-business transactions.
The taxation is being made after the end of the business (calendar) year, i.e. after the end of the period in which the taxpayer has been working.

Reduction of the tax base

The tax base is reduced by:

  • The amount of collected claims up to the stated income, for which in the previous tax periods was made increasing of the tax base, according to the taxable amount;
  • The amount of the returned part of the loan for which in the previous tax periods was made increasing of the tax base;
  • The amount of dividends derived by a resident of the Republic of Macedonia with participation in the capital of another taxpayer - a resident of the Republic of Macedonia, provided that they are taxable according to the rate of 10%;
  • Part of the loss transferred from previous years;
  • The amount of realized investments from the profits (reinvested).

Note: The right to reduce the tax base for expressed loss can be used for the realized loss from 2014 onwards...

Reduction of the calculated tax

The reduction of the calculated tax is performed for:

  • the amount of the approved tax exemption for purchased and put into service up to 10 fiscal systems of equipment for registering cash payments i.e. fiscal equipment and integrated automatic management system;
  • the amount of tax included in taxable income / gains abroad (withholding tax) to the prescribed rate;
  • the tax that the branch office paid abroad, for the profit which is included in revenues of the resident legal entity in the Republic of Macedonia to the amount of tax assessed according to the tax rate in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • the estimated amount of tax relief for a donation given to: sports federations, Macedonian Olympic Committee, football, basketball, handball and other sports clubs, active athletes from Olympic and non-Olympic sports under the terms and amounts of legally determined procedures.

© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia