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Tax exemptions on trade in investment gold
  • From the Value Added Tax are exempt the supply and importation of investment gold, including investment gold represented by certificates for allocated (assigned) or unallocated (unassigned) gold or trafficked through accounts for trade with gold and gold loans and swaps with gold (swap) that acquires the right of ownership or claim relating to investment gold, and transactions relating to investment gold involving futures contracts and forward resulting in transfer of the right of ownership or claim relating to investment gold.
  • From the VAT is exempt the supply of services of the intermediary, acting on behalf and for account of a third party, if he mediates the turnover of investment gold to his clients.
  • For the supply of investment gold which is exempt from Value Added Tax, the taxpayer is entitled to deduction of paid tax under Articles 38-B and 38-G.

© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia