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FISCALIS is a program within the framework of the Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD), under the direction of the European Commission, which basic aim is to improve the proper functioning of taxation systems in the internal market by increasing cooperation between participating countries, their administrations and officials in the field of taxation. Except for the tax administrations of the Member States of the European Union, the program is also open for the tax administrations of the countries with candidate status.

The Public Revenue Office was a beneficiary of the program "FISCALIS 2013” in the period 2009-2013, beneficiary of "FISCALIS 2020" from 2014 till 2020 and is beneficiary of "FISCALIS 2027" in the period 2021-2027.

FISCALIS 2027 provides financial support for the following activities:

  • Joint activities (seminars, workshops, working visits, studies);
  • Building of European information systems;
  • Activities for joint training to support the necessary professional skills and knowledge in relation to taxation.

Participation in activities and events (workshops, seminars, project groups, work visits) organized within the framework of the EU Program - Fiscalis 2027:

  • 2021 - due to Covid 19 restrictions, there wеrе no employees participating on events;
  • 2022 - 10 employees from the Public Revenue Office participated on 6 events;
  • 2023 - 24 employees from the Public Revenue Office participated on 10 events;
  • 2024 - 19 employees from the Public Revenue Office participated on 11 events;


TAIEX is a EU Instrument for technical assistance and instrument for exchanging of information, administrated by the Directorate General for Enlargement, and supports the beneficiary countries to familiarize, to apply and to enforce the acquis, as well as track their progress, thus enabling approximation to the EU through the sharing of experiences and knowledge by the Member States.

TAIEX provides technical and financial support to the following activities:

  • Workshops
  • Expert missions
  • Study visits

The Public Revenue Office is actively using the technical support provided by TAIEX in the area of taxation, through series of Workshops, Expert Missions and Study Visits.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia