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Project title and objective Implementation period Status
US DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY – “North Macedonia Public Revenue Office and Customs Administration (PRO/CUSTOMS) and US Department of the Treasury-Office of Technical Assistance (OTA)-The Revenue Policy and Administration Program”.
The project is implemented in cooperation between the Public Revenue Office and Customs, which have special components as well as joint activities.
Value: /
Objective: The goal of this project is to strengthen the capacity of the Public Revenue Office to increase voluntary compliance and domestic resource mobilization through technical assistance in: 1) General Audit Capacity, 2) Debt Management, 3) Taxpayer Service, 4) Project Management, 5) Anti-Corruption, and 6) Human Resources, Training, and Development.
2023-2027 In progress
WORLD BANK- " Building Effective, Transparent and Accountable Public Financial Management Institutions in North Macedonia" (funded by the World Bank and European Union)
The project is implemented in cooperation between the Public Revenue Office, the Ministry of Finance and the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs within the General Secretariat of the Government, which have special components.
Value: EUR 24.900.000
Objective: The aim of the project is to improve the efficiency, transparency and sustainability of public expenditure and increase the effectiveness of revenue administration.
2023-2027 In progress
UNDP - "Support to Public Finance Management Reforms", which is implemented by UNDP with financial and expert support of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation.
The project is implemented in cooperation between the Public Revenue Office and the Ministry of Finance.
Value: /
Objective: The activities of the project are aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Revenue Office in the process of automatic exchange of information for tax purposes and of the tax administration in the area of transfer prices.
2022-2023 In progress
EU-IPA 2018 Twinning project Improving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy.
The project is implemented in cooperation between the Public Revenue Office, the Ministry of Finance and the Customs Administration, which have special components.

Project value: 3,500,000.00 Euros
Objective: The main objective of the project is to harmonize the tax legislation in accordance with relevant EU legislation and best practices as well as simplification of tax procedures that will result in improving the quality of tax services offered to citizens.
The project will last for 3 years, in the period from January 2020 to December 2023.
The member states of the European Union, Austria and Croatia are the Twinning partners of the Public Revenue Office.
2020-2023 Finished
Project "New Methods to Prevent, Investigate and Mitigate Corruption and TAX Crimes in the EU" - PROTAX (funded by the European Union, Horizon 2020)
Value: /
Objective: PROTAX will contribute to a European Security Model providing solutions for prevention and prosecution of tax crimes. Based on analysis of current approaches of law enforcement, legal frameworks at Member State level and in-depth empirical investigation of human factors, shaping institutional and professional practices of stakeholders PROTAX will develop in close co-operation with practitioners tool kits for security policy makers, law enforcement agencies and tax authorities.
The Public Revenue Office participates in the Project as member of the Advisory Board of the Project.
2018-2021 Finished
Project "Development and re-engineering of business processes of the new tax integrated IT system" (funded by the European Union, IPA II / EUIF 2014)
Value: 299.766 ЕУР (centralized management)
Objective: Improving of the administrative capacities of the Public Revenue Office and to develop further effective business processes on which bases the new integrated IT system will be built, and at the same time to ensure cost effectivnes for tax collection and better quality services to taxpayers and third parties.
2017-2019 Finished

Project "Risk Evaluation System – RES" (donation by the Austrian Development Agency and WedoIT-Solutions GmbH)
Value: 360.000 ЕУР
Objective: Establishing objective and accurate selection of taxpayers for audit, through implementation of software and improving the process of analysis of risk in external audit and taxpayers compliance risk management.
2017-2018 Finished
Project "Supply of IT equipment for strengthening the capacity of the Public Revenue Office – Contact Centre/Call Centre" (funded by the European Union, IPA II / EUIF 2014)
Value: 229.675 ЕУР (centralized management)
Objective: Providing appropriate means for establishing effective information methods and communication tools towards providing better taxpayers services and user-friendly environment within the new PRO Contact Centre/Call Centre.
Useful links:
2017-2018 Finished

Project “PPF Framework Contract – Simplification of procedures for reporting and payment of Personal Income Tax for taxpayer – individuals” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2012 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 93.730 (decentralized management)
Objective: Simplification of the procedures for the legal entities through reducing of the administrative procedures and costs related with the calculation and payment of the taxes, as well as for the taxpayers – citizens by providing higher level of assurance that the Personal Income Tax is paid by the legal entities and lowering of the administrative burden related with the submitting of tax returns by the taxpayers – citizens.
Useful links:

2016-2018 Finished
Project "Supply of customized vehicles (van) - Mobile Service Counters" (funded by the European Union, IPA 2012 / TAIB I)
Value: 89.740 ЕУР (decentralized management)
Objective: Establishing presence in municipalities in which there is no economic justification for introducing of permanent PRO Service Counter, and effective providing services to taxpayers in the municipalities in Republic of Macedonia.
Useful links:
2016-2017 Finished

Project “Supply, delivery and installation of Integrated Call Centre System - hardware and software“ (funded by the European Union, IPA 2012 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 118.800 (decentralized management)
Objective: Establishing of modern IT solution (software and hardware) for the PRO Contact Centre for improving the working environment of the new PRO Contact Centre and providing new services for the taxpayers, such as: front and back offices; IT Info points; Information board for fast and simple access to tax information, knowledge base etc.
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2016-2017 Finished
Project “Supply of queuing system for the Public Revenue Office - Contact/Call Centre“ (funded by the European Union, IPA 2012 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 16.625 (decentralized management)
Objective: Providing of queuing system and managing the clients and the services available on 16 service desks placed in the central area in the new and renovated PRO Contact Centre, as well as establishing effective monitoring system for counting visits, analytics for provided services by type, number and frequency, which would be used as indicator for the performance of the PRO Contact Centre.
Useful links:
2016-2017 Finished

Project “Supply of office furniture for the Public Revenue Office - Contact/Call Centre” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2012 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 48.473 (decentralized management)
Objective: Improving of the working environment in the new premises of the PRO Contact/Call Centre.
Useful links:

2016-2017 Finished

Twinning Project “Improving of the PRO Taxpayers Services“ (funded by the European Union, IPA 2010 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 800.000 (decentralized management)
Objective: Strengthening of the quality of the services to taxpayers through establishing effective communication methods and communication tools; strengthening of the partnership between taxpayers and tax servants; equal interpretation of the tax laws and establishing of user friendly environment through improving of the PRO Contact/Call Centre and improving of the services provided by the service points.
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2014-2016 Finished
  Works Project “Renovation and adaptation of the ground floor of Public Revenue Office, Regional Office Skopje to become the new PRO Call Centre/Contact Centre” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2010 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 235.710 (decentralized management)
Objective: Providing new modern space and working environment for the PRO Contact/Call Centre, which will facilitate establishing of new user oriented services for the taxpayers.
Useful links:
 2014-2016  Finished
  Project “GPRS Fiscalisation“
Objective: Establishing of fiscal equipment system with GPRS device for daily electronic exchange of data between PRO Information System and the taxpayer’s fiscal equipment system.
Useful links:
2014-2015 Finished

Project “PPF Framework Contract – Preparation of Study for the PRО’s IT system” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2009 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 177.887 (decentralized management)
Objective: Analysis and assessment of the current PRO’s IT system and development of detailed study with standards recommendations and measurable indicators, for providing functional PRO IT system in line with the EU member states tax administration’s IT systems.
Useful link:

2014 Finished
  Project “е-Broadcasting fee“ and mobile application "мTax"
Objective: Establishing of electronic payment and balance check for Radio Broadcasting Fee through the e-Tax Services system and introdusing mobile application мTax for access to the records for paid and unpaid Radio Broadcasting Fee.
Useful links:
2014 Finished
  Project “е-Change of Data“
Objective: Establishing “е-Change of Data” services for companies (2012) and citizens (2014), for fast and simple change of data in the PRO Register of taxpayers through the PRO Call Centre.
Useful links:
2012-2014 Finished
  Project “Supervisory Information System for Monitoring the Turnover of the Organizers of Special Games of Chance“
Objective: Establishing of Supervisory Information System (NIS) – IT Solution which registers the payments and payouts for games of chance in all business units of the organizer and which is on-line connected with the PRO Information System, providing PRO in any time with accurate and real data for the realized turnover (payments and payouts) from games of chance in all business units of the organizer, as well as real taxation of the gains in the casinos (for the machines), slot machine clubs and betting houses through introduction of specific charge of 20% of the difference between overall received payments and overall payout gains from games of chance, instead monthly lump sums and allowances in a fixed amount which were paid by these organizers.
Useful link:
2013 Finished
  Project “е-Taxes for Individuals“
Objective: Delivery of new and development of the existing e-Services for the taxpayers, for reducing of the administrative costs, increasing of the voluntary collection of taxes and simplification of the tax proceedings for business, as well as for citizens as biggest and specific group of taxpayers. е-Tax is the first electronic service of the public administration in Republic of Macedonia which as of 01.06.2006 was put in use for the large companies, as of 15.07.2008 is available for middle and small taxpayers, and with the extension of the electronic tax services for the citizens (submitting of tax returns through internet) should round up the availability of the e-tax services for all taxpayers.
Useful links:
2011-2012 Finished

Technical Assistance Project “Support to Tax Reform” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2007 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 1.400.000 (centralized management)
Objective: Improving of the performances of the Public Revenue Office and the Ministry of Finance for collection of taxes, services to taxpayers, strengthening of the institutional capacity for collection of taxes and fight against corruption through further harmonizing legal frame with EU standards, relevant regulations, measures и directives.
Useful Link:

2011-2012 Finished
  Project “Modernization of Public Revenue Office“ (funded by the Nederland’s Government, and realized with technical support of the International Monetary Fund in collaboration with Netherland’s Ministry of Finance)
Objective: Raising the PRO capacities in the process of collection of taxes, in the area of mobilizing of additional means for support of the priority state expenditures intended for providing social and infrastructure services, as well as establishing a new concept of Tax Administration based on providing highest level of services for taxpayers, lawful collection and good governance.
Useful link:
2007-2011 Finished
Project "Electronic Public Auctions"
Objective: Simplification, reducing of the administrative costs and higher transparency of the procedures for enforced collection and cashing of the seized property by PRO.
Useful link:
2011 Finished
Project “Centre for storage and cashing of the seized movable goods”
Objective: Modernization and increasing of the effectiveness of the business processes related with the proceedings for enforced collection of tax debts. Basic function of the Centre is on one place to be placed, to be kept, and from one place to be managed the goods that PRO has seized in external control and enforced collection proceedings, function that up to now was decentralized.
Useful link:
2011 Finished
Works Project “Renovation of Regional Office Shtip“ (funded by the European Union, IPA 2007 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 85.000 (centralized management)
Objective: Establishing of functional office environment and better services to small and medium taxpayers in Regional Office Shtip.
2011 Finished
  Project “Supply of Office and IT Equipment for Regional Office Shtip” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2007 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 315.000 (centralized management)
Objective: Establishing of functional office environment and better services to small and medium taxpayers in Regional Office Shtip.
 2011 Finished
Twinning Light Project “Tax Administration Reform” (funded by the European Union, IPA 2007 / TAIB I)
Value: EUR 200 000 (centralized management)
Objective: Strengthening of the PRO administrative capacities in the area of investigations and fight against tax evasion through training of employees and improved communication channels.
Useful link:
2010 Finished

Project “Contact Centre”
Objective: Modern system of clients services which provides optimal combination of communication channels and IT supported new methods of tax service.
The Contact Centre is organized on national level and includes direct face to face services to clients, as well as national phone network – Call Centre. As new organizational unit which provides the needed engagement of recourses for clients benefit, the Centre is part of the PRO centralized functions. The realization of the project was supported by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) which funded the office equipment for the facility.
Useful links:

2009 Finished
Project “Integrated Collection of Social Contributions and Personal Income Tax”
Objective: Establishing of the principle gross-calculation of salary and system for integrated collection of personal tax and contributions from obligatory social insurance, i.e. one-stop-shop system for administration with the gross salary by which PRO becomes competent authority for collection and control of all revenues from salary: personal income tax, contribution for pension and disability insurance, contribution for health insurance and the contribution insurance in case of unemployment. The system should provide reliability and timeliness of the processes and accurate information for all – for employees, for payers, for PRO, Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, Health Insurance Fund, Agency for Employment and for the Banks, and to ensure higher quality and lower costs for all involved institutions, and especially for employers and other payers of salaries, followed by higher protection of the social rights of the employees as well.
Useful links:
2008-2009 Finished
Project “Centralized Processing of Data (COP)”
Objective: Centralization of data processing and applying of modern methods for processing of tax returns, which will enable abandoning of the territorial jurisdiction of the PRO and establishing of a single way of tax assessment for the taxpayers, building quality database, which is foundation for equal and just treatment of taxpayers.
Useful links:
2007-2008 Finished
  Project “Tax Servants Code of Ethics”
Objective: Introduction of new code of conduct which should provide respecting the newly adopted principles, lawfulness, professional integrity and effectiveness of the tax servants, as well as building of transparent public administration with qualified and professional tax servants on all levels.
Useful link:
2007-2008 Finished


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia