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(WB) World Bank

The World Bank is an organization that is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world and is the only partnership to reduce poverty and support development. The World Bank Group consists of five institutions run by their member countries. They offer support to developing countries through policy, research and analysis advice and technical assistance, capacity building support in the countries they work with, and at the same time sponsor or host, as well as participants in many development conferences and forums. To ensure that countries can access the best global expertise and help generate cutting-edge knowledge, the World Bank is constantly striving to improve the way it shares its knowledge. Key priorities include:

  • Results: Sharpening the focus on helping developing countries deliver measurable results.
  • Reform: Improving every aspect of the work: how projects are designed, how information is made available (access to information) and how their operations are brought closer to governments and communities.
  • Open Development: Offer a wider range of free tools, easy to access, research and knowledge to help meet development challenges around the world.

PRO cooperation with the World Bank:

  • May - August 2020 – Conducted assessment of the tax administration of the Republic of North Macedonia using the TAX DIAMOND tool.

© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia