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The Public Revenue Office in a nomination among seven state institutions is the winner of the "Government solution in the field of online services and payment for 2022" award, which is organized as part of the "Choice of the best in Macedonian e-commerce for 2022" event of the Macedonian Association E - Commerce awards. This recognition is of great importance because it confirms the Public Revenue Office effort to be a modern institution that uses technological opportunities for efficient service.


The Public Revenue Office offers a wide range of e-services for both individuals and legal entities. Over 800,000 individuals persons are registered on the e-PDD system, and over 500,000 of them are users of the My VAT application.

All these citizens, instead of coming to the counters of the PRO, exercise their rights and obligations in terms of electronic declaration of income earned in the country and abroad, insight into the annual tax return, insight into the state of payment of My VAT and many other benefits online. Legal entities on the e-Taxes platform have access to tax accounting records at any time, submit electronic requests for the issuance of certificates and confirmations, submit tax returns electronically, and through the MPIN and e-PDD systems electronically submit calculations through which the net payment is made at the same time - income and collection of contributions and personal income tax. The e-Auctions portal provides an overview of active auctions or free (commercial) sales published by the Public Revenue Office, and registered users can also bid through it.

These services also include information on the PRO website, which provides updated information on the latest changes in tax laws, creates forms, publishes brochures where everyone can learn how to correctly apply the provisions of tax laws, publishes information for agreements concluded with other countries to avoid double taxation, informs about the latest developments in the field of taxation, as well as all the necessary information about taxes and how to register in PRO systems. Most of the state institutions, while performing their responsibilities, also need the services of PRO.

The Public Revenue Office is constantly working on improving systems for full automation and digitization of processes in order to improve and simplify services for taxpayers.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia