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The PRO and UNDP continue the cooperation for creation more efficient tax system in the country

Skopje, March 16, 2023 – The strengthening and development of institutional and organizational capacities to combat tax evasion and tax fraud, as well as the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals are the focus of the Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed today by the Public Revenue Office and the Program for development of the United Nations. In this way, the commitment to continue the long-standing joint cooperation between the PRO and UNDP was confirmed.

"In recent years, UNDP has been a significant partner of the Public Revenue Office in amending and supplementing laws relating to transfer pricing provisions, developing transfer pricing risk analysis tools, training on conducting financial risk analysis for transfer pricing, as well as analysis of transfer pricing reports and audits. It was through UNDP that our employees received expert support from the Slovak Tax Administration, where they got to know international practice and Slovakian experience in the area of transfer pricing regulation and the transfer pricing audit procedure. I believe that together we can contribute to the fight against tax evasion and tax fraud, which will influence the citizens' trust in the institutions by strengthening the capacities of the Public Revenue Office in this area as well," said the director of the PRO, Sanja Lukarevska.

She emphasized that in the global economy when there is an increasing need for countries to open their borders for international trade and investment, it is essential that countries can collect tax on the profits that companies make in the country and do it in a way that will not disincentivize or distort international trade and investment. Through the deepened cooperation with UNDP, we are strengthening the institutional and organizational capacities of the PRO for supervision and audit of commercial banks, insurance companies, exchange offices, savings houses and other financial institutions. It provides "know how" for the Tax Inspectorate in the area of audits for transfer prices, which positively affects the revenue side of the Budget.

The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Armen Grigoryan, said that the signing of the Мemorandum paves the way for the realization of new joint initiatives and projects with the Public Revenue Office.

"The cooperation so far in the area of transfer prices and automatic exchange of information for tax purposes has shown visible results in the direction of creating a fairer tax system for citizens and companies. On the other hand, these activities are of crucial importance for the accession process in the European Union, but also for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations," said Grigoryan.


The Public Revenue Office is involved in the activities within the project "Support to Public Finance Management Reforms", which is implemented by UNDP with financial and expert support of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation. The activities of the project are aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Revenue Office in the process of introducing international taxation and of the tax administration in the area of transfer prices.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia