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The project – Modernization of PRO will be implemented by financial support of the Netherlands Government, in the amount of 2.960.000 dollars, and it will be implemented by International Monetary Fund in cooperation with Netherlands Ministry of Finance, and will endure till April 2009.

The purpose of the project is to raise the capacities of the PRO in the process of tax collection, from aspect of mobilizing additional resources to support the priority state expenditures designed for providing social and infrastructure services. We are planning to establish a new concept of tax administration which will be based on providing the highest level of services to taxpayers, judicial collection and good managing.

The new concept comprises:

  • Adopting the services of the taxpayers and the programs for increasing collection to different needs of assistance and to risk of tax evasion of large, medium and small enterprises.
  • Providing the taxpayers with first class service which will be available to certain service points, also through telephone and internet.
  • Implementation of the tax laws based on modern systems for risk evaluation, which will provide conditions that all taxpayers can pay real amount of taxes – not even a denar more or less.
  • Creating professional staff of tax servants by introducing new methods of “executing – awarding” systems for employees evaluation and intensive trainings.
  • Promoting good management by adopting new Code of Conduct of the tax servants, as well as a document which prescribe the rights and the way of taxpayers protection, also by performing regular checking of taxpayers opinions in order to determine level of their satisfaction of our programs.
  • Introducing new information systems and technologies which will enable us to perform our tasks more effectively and more efficiently.

As we will improve our capacity for tax collection, at the same time we will work also with the social funds of the integration of tax collection and social contributions, by providing the employers to pay all expenditures from salaries (Personal Income Tax, employment contributions, pension and health insurance), at the same time and at one place.

Through these reforms – and with the taxpayers support, the tax servants and Netherlands Government – we hope that we will transform the Public Revenue Office in one modern tax agency and institution which will serve as a model in the public sector.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia