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Introduction of GPRS Cash-registers

Introducing GPRS cash-register system for everyday electronic exchange of data between the Information System of the Public Revenue Office and the cash-register of the taxpayer is a legal requirement stipulated in the Law on Registration of Cash Payments started from 31.05.2013.

Deadlines of introducing GPRS cash-register system
No later than 31 October 2014, taxpayers which turnover in the previous year exceeded 10 million MKD, taxpayers dealing with hospitality and taxpayers carrying out retail of oil derivatives (gas stations) have to introduce GPRS cash-registers. The deadline for all other taxpayers is 31 January 2015.

Online monitoring of cash flow of each cash-register
With the introduction and implementation of newly integrated cash-register system and introducing of the cash-registers with GPRS, the PRO at any time and automatically will monitor the financial reports and the recorded turnover from each cash-register, as well as will be obtained information on detailed fiscal receipts and control reports.
The PRO system for recording cash flow provides security and confidentiality of information enabled through GPRS data transfer from cash-register to the PRO by protected network of mobile operators, use of digital certificates ... in order to be enabled online registration of cash-registers, electronic data exchange of cash flow and 24 hour availability of PRO electronic services.

Shorter and simplified procedure for registration
The procedure for registration of cash-register will be shorter and simplified, without any paper documents. The entire registration procedure and approving of cash-register will be done electronically, by exchange registration data between the service center of the manufacturer where the taxpayer obtains the cash-register and the PRO. After successful electronic registration in the PRO system, the taxpayer can put in use the cash-register in the business premises and record the realized cash turnover.

Other advantages
• Reducing of administrative costs of the taxpayers, authorized manufacturers and the PRO;
• The system automatically detects risk taxpayers;
• Reducing the number of tax audits in the field and more effective control of taxpayers avoiding to record the trade;
• Increasing financial discipline and reducing the gray economy...


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia