International Workshop on Improving Voluntary Compliance by Education of the Taxpayer

Skopje - From 29 to 31 October 2013, in hotel Aleksandar Palace was held an international workshop on "Improvement of voluntary compliance through education." The event was organized in cooperation with the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA), and 39 representatives of the tax administrations from 20 countries participated, as well as representatives from IOTA and IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation).

The focus of the workshop is educating the taxpayers, which is an important factor when it comes to voluntary compliance and collection of taxes.

What are the forms and methods of education that are applied by the tax administrations, which are the main causes and characteristics of the taxpayers who do not voluntarily comply with the tax laws ......are just some of the questions on which the tax servants are exchanging experience in order to apply methods and practices that give best results, by using practical measures to address the lack of knowledge of the taxpayers, identifying possible obstacles in achieving voluntary compliance and further development of the education of the taxpayer.

Also, the participants of the event have the opportunity to get to know in detail the process of educating the taxpayers, i.e. how it is implemented and how it is organized in Austria, Macedonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain and Norway, and to hear recommendations from the tax experts from the IBFD.
© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia