The PRO’s website won the third place in the category of state institutions for "Best website for 2012"

On the manifestation “Website of the year 2012”, which was held on 13.12.2012 in the EU info center in Skopje, in the category of a best website for governmental/state institutions, the website of the PRO won the third place. From the nominated websites in this category, the State Statistical Office won the second place and for the best website has been declared

The selection of a “Website of the year”, which is held third year in a row, has an aim to contribute the development of the domestic websites and to award certificates and acknowledgements to the people working on the development of the online media in the country. Organizers of this event are “Media Solutions” and the system of online-commercials This year the manifestation was held under the patronage of the Embassy of Republic of Slovakia in Macedonia and the "Association for interactive advertising - IAB Macedonia".

The nominated were selected from over 200 proposals, and the closest selection is made by the 7.200 votes obtained on the Internet. The final word on the winners by category was given by the six member jury, with a ratio of 60% of judges and 40% of web readers, who were judging the websites according to technical parameters, design, functionality and usability, content, innovation and creativity.

The selection of the best websites was opened by the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Ivo Ivanovski.
- The Ministry of Information Society and Administration on the manifestation “Website of the year” that was held last year announced a project for support of e-commerce, which is already in its final stage. After reviewing the best business plans more websites of this type were supported, several have already been promoted, and in the next period the rest will be presented. Besides this activity, the ministry has developed a number of websites for institutions in order all citizens to be better served. The E-tax system, as well as the system for open data that are part of the most important that were put into use – stated the Head of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration.

Stressing the importance of information and communication technologies in the world in which we live and congratulating the winners, the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorgje Ivanov sent a letter for support of the event.
- The Democratic and the technological progress today are intrinsically linked and interdependent processes. The societies that are increasingly digitized and opened to the information and communication technologies have advantage and they will taste the fruits of this process. I am glad that the Republic of Macedonia in not a single moment behind the global trends and innovations in the field of web technology, and that the Macedonian websites according to quality, design and functionality are considered among the best. This is confirmed by the sharp competition of websites that this year was among the shortlisted for the title "Best website of the year" - stated the President Ivanov.

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