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Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax

The Amendments to the Law on VAT are published in the "Official Gazette of RM", No.155 on 10 December 2012.

The application of preferential tax rate for thermal solar systems and components, computers and computer software continues

With the latest Amendments of the Law on VAT, the preferential tax rate for thermal solar systems and components, computers and computer's software will continue to apply for indefinite time.

Exempt from VAT on imports, shipments with a value of up to EUR 22

All shipments which do not exceed the amount of 22 Euros in Denars equivalent are exempted from VAT on imports, except shipments pertaining to tobacco and tobacco products, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, as well as perfumes and eau de toilettes.

Tickets for public events are exempted from VAT

Exempt from VAT is the turnover of the tickets for public events which are of national interest in the field of culture, established and funded by the annual program of the Ministry of Culture.


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