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Tax Academy - Training on efficient methods for enforced collection

Skopje - In the premises of the Contact Center of the Public Revenue Office started the first module for training of the employees of the Customs of the Republic of Macedonia on “Еfficient Мethods for Еnforced Collection”. The aim of this training, which will be held from 29th to 30th of November 2012, is introducing of the methods of enforced collection that the PRO is conducting, to the customs officers, for collection of the tax debts for implementing and proper application of the debt recovery procedure on the basis of customs duties.
On this training participated inspectors, customs officer’s heads of departments of the Customs of the Republic of Macedonia in order to improve knowledge of the customs officers in the area of enforced collection.
On this training were presented the legal provisions for enforced collection measures that tax executors of the Public Revenue Office carry out and current best practices for the collection of debts of tax debtors. These methods of enforced collection in the future should allow the Customs Administration appropriate application during the enforcement of customs duties.


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia