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Bilateral cooperation - Meeting between the first tax officials from Macedonia and Kosovo

(Skopje, August 22, 2018) The Director of the Tax Administration of Kosovo, Sakip Imeri and the high senior management representatives of the Kosovo Tax Administration started the two-day bilateral visit in the Public Revenue Office. At the meeting, the Director of the Public Revenue Office, Sanja Lukarevska emphasized the current cooperation with the Tax Administration of Kosovo, as well as the Macedonian Tax Administration’s readiness to continue with exchange of experiences with the colleagues from Kosovo in all areas of mutual interest, in the forthcoming period. During the meeting, the DGs exchanged experiences on the challenges faced by both tax administrations, the specifics of the taxpayers they administer, as well as ongoing and future projects that are expected to strengthen the operational capacities and contribute to the modernization of tax administrations in both countries.
Taking into consideration the scope of topics and areas of common interest and cooperation, the first tax officials from Macedonia and Kosovo were also discusing of the possibility for signing a Memorandum of Cooperation, which will enable extending of the cooperation in the area of exchange of experiences, transfer of knowledge and best practices, encouraging voluntary tax compliance as well as prevention, detection and fight against tax evasion in both countries.
During the two-day visit in the Public Revenue Office, colleagues from the Kosovo Tax Administration will be introduced with the Macedonian experience in introducing GPRS fiscalization, as well as legal and practical aspects of certain tax issues.

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© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia