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Director Sanja Lukarevska at the Summit of the National Banks Governors, Finance Ministers and Tax Administration Directors of the region

(Becici, 14-16.06.2018) The Director of the Public Revenue Office, Sanja Lukarevska, attended the Summit of the National Banks Governors, Finance Ministers and Tax Administration Directors of the region, which was held from 14th to 16th of June 2018 in Becici, Republic of Montenegro on the topic "Financial and Monetary Stability in the Region Ten Years After the Global Financial Crisis".
The Summit traditionally, seventh year in a row, brings together the heads of the institutions responsible for public finances management and provides exchange of experiences to deal with the challenges that all countries in the region are facing with. The tax administration head`s panel, chaired by the Director of the Tax Administration of Montenegro Mr. Miomir M. Mugoša, facilitated the exchange of experiences of tax administrations in the region related to reforms, revenue collection, strengthening the proactive approach to taxpayers, the effects of European integration on the tax administration, the need for co-operation in the fight against the gray economy...
The Summit of the National Banks Governors, Finance Ministers and Tax Administration Directors from the region was organized by the weekly magazine "NIN", under the institutional support of the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Administration of the Republic of Montenegro.

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© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia