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(Skopje, 28.11.2017) The new Contact Center of the PRO meets all standards for providing fast, easy and quality tax service. The improvement of the conditions and access to our services, including the most vulnerable categories of our society, the development of user-oriented services for companies and citizens, enabling electronic communication with our clients in everyday work, easier access to tax information, reduction of administrative costs and simplifying the procedures are the goals we have achieved together with our partners and with EU support of 1.5 million euros provided by IPA funds, through which we have implemented seven projects.
The PRO Contact Center has a modern and friendly environment for the users of our services and of course for the employees. We incorporated good tax practices through cooperation with our Twinning partner - the Spanish Tax Administration, and we also provided easier access to tax services in the smallest places with the additional two Mobile Tax Points.
The taxpayers are provided with access to the new specialized website and the two new services of the PRO "SCHEDULE A MEETING' and "INFORMA".
Each taxpayer has the opportunity to schedule a meeting with a tax agent at a time that is most suitable for her/him, available online via the new website of the Contact Center or by telephone via the Info Center 0800 33 000. The use of the new service “SCHEDULE A MEETING” at first will be on a voluntary basis, and from May 1st 2018 obligatory if the taxpayer needs to meet with an tax agent at the Regional Directorate Skopje. From 2019, this service will be available for scheduling a meeting in the other tax offices of the PRO.
'INFORMA' is also a new service i.e. an electronic system through which we provide the taxpayers to perform an on-line search and have quick and easy access to general tax information, to the most frequently asked questions and answers related to the procedures for taxation, registration and payment of tax and their tax rights and obligations.
Our commitment to modernize the tax administration and further simplify the tax procedures remains. In these processes, the role of the employees in the PRO is of key importance and of course the support we receive from the Ministry of Finance and our partners, especially the European Union, with whom we already work together to simplify the procedures for registration and payment of the Personal Income Tax, but also development and re-engineering of the tax processes for the new tax integrated IT system, projects that will bring the Republic of Macedonia closer to the EU practices, enable electronic tax administration and contibute for timely preparation and fulfillment of the country's criteria for entering into the European community (see also



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© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia