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Tax Academy – Training for the customs officers „Improving the knowledge from the area of accounting and performing audits“

Skopje - On November 30 2011, in the premises of the Customs Union, it was held training for the staff of the Customs Union on the topic "Improving the knowledge from the area of accounting and performing audits."
During the training, organized by the Tax Academy of the Public Revenue Office, the customs officers had an opportunity, despite the theoretical part, to work on practical examples in the field of legislation on bookkeeping, table of accounts, annual accounts and balances, as well as in the part of the audit strategy, selection of cases for audit, preparation of the audit, audit, evaluation of the results from the audit and cases of tax fraud.
The training was performed by lecturers from the PRO: Dragan Jakimovski - Chief Inspector in Regional Office Stip, Slavica Kiroska - Deputy Chief General Inspector, Sonja Velnikj - Head of the Tax Inspectorate in the Large Taxpayers Office, Danka Georgievski - Head of Tax Inspectorate in Regional Office Skopje.

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© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia