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Inter-Parliamentary Relations Parliamentary Group of the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine visited the Public Revenue Office
(Skopje, 22.11.2017) Within the working visit of the four member parliamentary group from Ukraine in the Public Revenue Office, experiences and good tax practices were exchanged in the area of the Personal Income Tax, the Value Added Tax and the Profit Tax, as well as the challenges and trends in taxation.
Meeting of the General Director Lukarevska with representatives of the World Bank
The General Director of the Public Revenue Office, Sanja Lukarevska, held a meeting with the representatives of the World Bank, on which topics of discussion were the modernization of the PRO, the impact on the efficiency of tax collection, the strengthening of the public financial management, as well as the areas for future cooperation for support of the reforms of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia...
Meeting between the Director General Lukarevska and the representatives of the International Monetary Fund
The Director General of the Public Revenue Office, Sanja Lukarevska, met with the representatives of the Fiscal Affairs Department - International Monetary Fund, Enrico Aav and Chris Barlow, to discuss the progress achieved in the modernization of the Public Revenue Office. On the meeting the areas for future cooperation and technical assistance from the International Monetary Fund were also defined, for strengthening the capacities of the tax administration of the Republic of Macedonia...
The Public Revenue Office has started the implementation of the Project “Renovation and adaptation of the ground floor of Public Revenue Office, Regional Office Skopje to become the new PRO Contact Centre / Call Centre”, funded by the European Union. The implementation of this project should provide conditions for introducing of the new working enviroment for the PRO Contact Centre / Call Centre i.e. modern and larger premises which will support the improvement of the services and the voluntary compliance of the taxpayers for timely fulfilling of their obligations, but above all strengthening of the partnership between the Public Revenue Office and the taxpayers...
Closing Conference - IPA Project “Preparation of Study for the Public Revenue Office’s IT system” funded by EU
Skopje – A closing conference was held for the IPA Project “Preparation of Study for the Public Revenue Office’s IT system” funded by EU. The project carried out an analysis and assessment of the current PRO IT system and produced an in-depth Study with setting up standards, recommendations and measurable indicators in order to ensure functional PRO IT system in line with the IT systems of the EU Member States’ tax administrations...


© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia